Friday, October 22, 2004

Short Update

Just a brief update today.
Sleeping a lot again, running a fever, mouth ulcers are back, and nausea is back big time.
Ain't lupus fun?
really this is no big deal, but I do need to rest today before a little nuisance becomes a big problem. That is the way it is with lupus.
We don't just get a cold...
 we have to do it up big time and get BIGGER things like pneumonia. 
We don't just get a tension headache...
 we get exploding bombs in our heads that require emergency room intervention when the pain becomes more than we can bare. 
We don't just get a little tired from a stressful week... 
we break out in sores, have our hair start falling out, and sometimes wind up in the hospital after a bad spell... or get pumped up with steroids before our major organs blowout.

You know... 
I am ashamed to admit this... 
but, even though I have a sibling with lupus... 
I NEVER would have even come close to comprehending how complicated this life with lupus can be until I wound up with this myself.

I am so sorry, sis. I never really understood how hard this has been for you.

You really do have to walk a mile in someone's moccasins to begin to understand what they are all about.
And now I really have to "crash".
Where did I put the soup and crackers?
 that's right...
that stuff is in the kitchen.

Brain fog donchaknow.


Anonymous said...

Oh dern!  I am sorry it's flaring again, dear!  And I do think you are right that even with a lot of information, people can't really know what it's like to be experiencing autoimmune diseases unless they have to feel it too.
Praying for you, dear.
loving you

Anonymous said...

Hi Loretta...Just wanted to let you know that my Aunt has had
Lupus for about 20-yrs and I too never realized the gravity of
how difficult it is to understand another's pain until I too became ill
with SLE.  After reading your entry, I wrote my aunt a letter and
and tried to convey similar feelings to her as what you wrote to
your sister.  Thank you for the 'short update'.  I have been amazed at how beautifully thoughtful your's and Luanne's journals are.They are so heartfelt, honest and informative.  Keeping you in my prayers...Linda